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Table 1 Characterization of the control and cystinosis individuals included in the analyses: demographics and cognitive function (IQ and inhibition measures)

From: Event-related potential (ERP) evidence for visual processing differences in children and adults with cystinosis (CTNS gene mutations)




Statistical test

Effect sizes


M = 17.36; SD = 8.92

M = 17.62; SD = 9.36

t = −0.13, df = 75.43, p = 0.90

d = 0.03


27 F, 18 M

25 F, 12 M

χ2 = 0.23, df = 1, p = 0.63

w = 0.08

Verbal IQ

M = 109.71; SD = 19.85

M = 93.46; SD = 11.21

t = 4.66, df = 71.57, p < 0.01

d = 1.00

Non-verbal IQ

M = 103.44; SD = 13.49

M = 85.19; SD = 13.70

t = 6.04, df = 76.50, p < 0.01

d = 1.36