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Table 2 Frequency (and percentage) of UBOs among NF1 patients with or without OPG by 10-year age group

From: Serial MRIs provide novel insight into natural history of optic pathway gliomas in patients with neurofibromatosis 1

Age Group

OPG Absent

Any OPG Present

Asymptomatic OPG Present

0 to 9.99 years

53/72 (73.6%)

17/18 (94%)

16/17 (94%)

10.0 to 19.99 years

57/119 (47.9%)

10/13 (77%)

4/6 (67%)

20.0 to 29.99 years

39/109 (35.8%)

3/8 (38%)

3/5 (60%)

30.0 to 39.99 years

21/80 (26.3%)

3/8 (38%)

2/5 (40%)

40.0 years and above

43/129 (33.3%)

3/4 (75%)

1/1 (100%)