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Table 1 Anatomic classification of HPE -Different levels of severity [1] [6]

From: Holoprosencephaly

ALOBAR (complete)

Small single forebrain ventricle

No interhemispheric division

Absence of olfactory bulbs and tracts

Absence of corpus callosum

Non separation of deep gray nuclei


Rudimentary cerebral lobes

Incomplete interhemispheric division

Absence or hypoplasia of olfactory bulbs and tracts

Absence of corpus callosum

Varying non separation of deep gray nuclei


Fully-developed cerebral lobes

Distinct interhemispheric division

Midline continuous frontal neocortex

Absent, hypoplasic or normal corpus callosum

Separation of deep gray nuclei


Failure of separation of the posterior frontal and parietal lobes

Callosal genu and splenium normally formed

Absence of corpus callosum

Hypothalamus and lentiform nuclei normally separated

Heterotopic gray matter