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Table 3 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder characteristics

From: The behavioral phenotype of children and adolescents with attenuated non-ketotic hyperglycinemia, intermediate to good subtype

Items in the DBC corresponding to ADHD characteristics [25, 26]

 9. Cannot attend to one activity for any length of time. Has poor attention span.

 19. Is easily distracted from tasks (e.g., by noises).

 35. Is impatient.

 37. Is impulsive, acts before thinking.

 49. Is noisy or boisterous.

 50. Is very active or restless. Can't sit still.

 55. Has poor sense of danger.

 81. Talks too much or too fast.

 84. Has unconnected thoughts. Different ideas are jumbled together with unclear meaning.

Items part C of M-ABC-Checklist section C corresponding to ADHD subdomains

 C.1 Disorganized (e.g. scattered clothes slows up dressing after PE; puts on shoes before socks)

 C.2 Hesitant/forgetful (e.g. slow to start complex actions; forgets what to do in the middle of an action sequence)

 C.6 Impulsive (e.g. starts before instructions are complete; impatient of detail)

 C.7 Distractible (e.g. looks around; responds to irrelevant noises)

 C.8 Overactive (e.g. squirms and fidgets; movers constantly when listening to instructions, fiddles with clothes)