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Table 3 All-Cause HCRU

From: Economic burden of patients with post-surgical chronic and transient hypoparathyroidism in the United States examined using insurance claims data


cHP Cohort

tHP Cohort


Index-1 Year

N = 1,184


Year 1–2

 N = 726


Index-1 Year

N = 773


Year 1–2

 N = 575


Percentage of Patients with ≥ 1 visit, n (%)


Inpatient Hospital

303 (25.6%)

126 (17.4%)

194 (25.1%)

83 (14.4%)


Outpatient Hospital

1,021 (86.2%)

576 (79.3%)

667 (86.3%)

431 (75.0%)


Emergency Department

387 (32.7%)

189 (26.0%)

225 (29.1%)

123 (21.4%)


Office/Clinic Visit

1,139 (96.2%)

672 (92.6%)

748 (96.8%)

504 (87.7%)


Urgent Care Facility

96 (8.1%)

54 (7.4%)

60 (7.8%)

52 (9.0%)


Number of visits for the total population, Mean (SD)


Inpatient Hospital

2.2 (8.9)

1.4 (6.2)

1.7 (6.4)

0.8 (3.4)


Outpatient Hospital

9.6 (19.0)

6.6 (11.1)

8.3 (20.8)

6.2 (20.7)


Emergency Department

1.1 (3.1)

0.8 (2.2)

0.7 (2.0)

0.5 (1.6)


Office/Clinic Visit

16.7 (18.9)

15.2 (20.3)

16.0 (21.9)

12.5 (17.1)


Urgent Care Facility

0.2 (0.6)

0.1 (0.5)

0.1 (0.7)

0.1 (0.5)


Number of visits of those who utilized, Mean (SD)a


Inpatient Hospital

11.1 (20.1)

8.3 (11.8)

6.9 (11.3)

5.7 (7.4)


Outpatient Hospital

8.8 (15.9)

8.3 (12.7)

9.6 (22.1)

8.3 (23.5)


Emergency Department

3.3 (4.7)

3.0 (3.4)

2.5 (3.0)

2.4 (2.7)


Office/Clinic Visit

17.4 (19.0)

16.4 (20.6)

16.5 (22.1)

14.3 (17.6)


Urgent Care Facility

1.9 (1.3)

1.6 (1.2)

1.9 (1.7)

1.4 (0.8)

  1. aDenominators are based on the number of patients with ≥ 1 visit for the respective healthcare setting
  2. cHP: Chronic Hypoparathyroidism; SD: Standard Deviation; tHP: Transient Hypoparathyroidism