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Table 8 Changes in impact on family reported by caregivers after the start of the pabinafusp alfa trial

From: Analysis of caregiver perspectives on patients with mucopolysaccharidosis II treated with pabinafusp alfa: results of qualitative interviews in Japan

Family impact domains

Specific sub-domain concepts (if applicable)

Caregiver burden

Improved (n = 2): child more independent and able to complete daily chores, easier to encourage the child to do things (n = 1 each)

Worsened (n = 4): difficulty ensuring child swallows properly, help needed with dressing, cannot help when the child is experiencing side effects, difficulty grooming, child requires full support (n = 1 each)

Social/family impacts

Improved (n = 2): concerns about the child’s safety, family happier and healthier thanks to the child’s better health, family relief at subdued disease progression, the child being back in school, ability to understand the child’s speech (n = 1 each)

Worsened: impact on siblings (n = 1)

Caregiver activities of daily living

Improved (n = 2): completing daily chores, ability to work from home (n = 1 each)