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Table 1 Comprehensive toolbox for understanding and improvement of developmental and epileptic encephalopathies

From: Istore: a project on innovative statistical methodologies to improve rare diseases clinical trials in limited populations

What is known

What is expected


Methods for testing similarity between distinct groups of patients

Methods for testing similarity between subgroups and overall population

Powerful methods for improved understanding of rare diseases and allowing extrapolation of information between groups

Linear and nonlinear mixed effect modeling

Tailored approaches for modelling count data in limited populations to model longitudinal data of Dravet patients

Understanding of flexible modelling of natural history course data

Several statistical methodologies are capable of evaluating multiple endpoints in a single analysis

Recommendations of statistical methodologies to analyzing multiple endpoints of potential different data type in small sample trials

More efficient analysis of randomized trials with multiple endpoints in small sample trials

Quantification of impact of bias on the level of evidence in two arm parallel group design with single endpoint

Extension of the bias model to multiple endpoints corresponding to the analysis

More efficient randomized trials with multiple endpoints: Optimize trial designs with respect to level of evidence in case of multiple endpoints