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Table 2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for study participants

From: Pilot study of the effectiveness of a telehealth group for improving peer relationships for adolescents with neurofibromatosis type 1

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Diagnosis of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) by a physician

Any cognitive or developmental delays that would affect reading comprehension and/or understanding of the treatment material by caregiver report and assessed using the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Testā€“ Second Edition and Wechsler Individual Achievement Testā€“ Third Edition Word Reading subtest during intake

Ages 12ā€“17

First language and main language spoken in the home is not English (because standardized study measures and instructions are all in English)

In middle school or high school for duration of the study

Any significant behavioral concerns (e.g., violence, need of a one-on-one aide)

First language and main language spoken in the home is English

Any other comorbid medical conditions not commonly associated with NF1 (e.g., other illnesses; hearing or vision impaired)

Reliable access to internet

A major surgery (e.g., brain or heart surgery) within the past six months

Exhibit current functional impairment in peer relationships, which will be confirmed during the caregiver interview

Adolescent does not agree to participate or attend voluntarily

Willingness to attend all treatment sessions, with a maximum of two allowed absences

Prior social skills group treatment within the past six months

Interested in and motivated to participate in the treatment, evaluated during a structured interview at pre-assessment