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Table 1 Demographics and Baseline Characteristics of Study Patients

From: Effectiveness of asfotase alfa for treatment of adults with hypophosphatasia: results from a global registry


Study Population

(N = 190)

Sex, n (%)


130 (68.4)


60 (31.6)

Age at diagnosis of HPP, years



 Median (min, max)

37.1 (0, 77)

 ≤ 18 years at diagnosis, n (%)

32 (16.8)

 > 18 years at diagnosis, n (%)

127 (66.8)

 Missing, n (%)

31 (16.3)

Age at start of asfotase alfa treatment, years



 Median (min, max)

45.5 (18.3, 77.9)

Time from diagnosis to start of asfotase alfa treatment, years



 Median (min, max)

1.4 (0.01, 60.8)

White race, n (%)

153 (80.5)

Not Hispanic or Latino, n (%)

146 (76.8)

Number of signs and symptoms per patient




 Median (min, max)

5 (1, 14)

Number of body systems impacted per patient




 Median (min, max)

3 (1, 8)

History of signs and symptoms, n (%)



120 (63.2)


30 (15.8)


88 (46.3)


71 (37.4)


129 (67.9)


7 (3.7)


26 (13.7)


21 (11.1)


138 (72.6)

HPP onset, n (%)



173 (91.1)

  Perinatal/infantile onset

18 (9.5)

  Juvenile onset

117 (61.6)

  Pediatric onset, specific type unknown

38 (20.0)

 Adult-onset HPP

17 (8.9)

Gene classification, n (%)



113 (59.5)

 Compound heterozygous

55 (28.9)


4 (2.1)


18 (9.5)

  1. HPP hypophosphatasia