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Table 1 Inclusion criteria, contraindications for migalastat treatment, and exclusions from the therapy

From: A review and recommendations for oral chaperone therapy in adult patients with Fabry disease

Inclusion criteria

 Age ≥ 12 years old

 Symptomatic classic phenotype or late-onset Fabry disease (at least one organ affected)

 Sex-specific criteria:

  Men: significant deficiency of α-galactosidase A in a dried blood test,

plasma, leukocytes, fibroblasts

The presence of a pathogenic amenable mutation

  Females—deficiency of α-galactosidase A (in case of symptoms is not required)

  The presence of a pathogenic amenable mutation

 GFR ≥ 30 ml/min/1.73 m2


 Age < 12 years old

 Non-amenable genetic variants

 Simultaneous ERT

 Dialysis therapy

 GFR < 30 ml/min/1.73 m2

 Pregnancy and lactation

 Hypersensitivity reaction to the drug or excipient

 Asymptomatic form of the disease

 Heart: advanced stage of the disease with diffuse myocardial fibrosis, NYHA IV, no possibility of heart transplantation if the heart is the only organ involved

 CNS: advanced changes

 Kidney: end-stage failure without the possibility of kidney transplantation

 End-stage of Fabry disease or existing comorbidities or another congenital malformation with an unfavorable prognosis

Exclusions from the therapy

 Hypersensitivity reaction

 Serious adverse events

 Pregnancy and lactation

 No improvement despite treatment

 Lack of cooperation with the patient