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Fig. 3 | Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases

Fig. 3

From: A position statement on the post gene-therapy rehabilitation of aromatic I-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency patients

Fig. 3

An example of real-world experience of post-gene therapy rehabilitation schedule in one patient receiving eladocagene exuparvovec. The patient immediately began OPT in conjunction with traditional speech therapy continuously. Daily PT for head control consisted of 1 h of core exercises for 2 weeks. Intensive therapy for sitting independently was for 2 h daily for 1 month. Weekly therapy for head control, trunk strength, and scooting independently included daily speech therapy and 4 h of PT and OT for 3 months. Play-based learning focused on standing independently at PBL school: 5 days a week, 4 h daily, for 1 year, with supplemental PT 3 times a week for 1 h. Walking was the focus at the K-12 school: 5 days a week, 8 h daily, with learning support 3 days a week, OT twice a week, PT once a week, and speech therapy once a week, with the option to modify as needed

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