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Table 2 Participants’ experiences with vascular malformations

From: Factors affecting the ability of patients with complex vascular anomalies to navigate the healthcare system


Sample Means (SD)

Dependent Variable

Ability to Navigate the Healthcare Systema

Mean Total Score = 16.4 (5.6)

Independent Variables

Quality of Information Exchangeb

Mean Total Score = 21.8 (5.6)

Patient Self-Advocacyc

Mean Total Score = 43.5 (6.2)


Mean T-Score = 58.0 (8.9)

Clinician Knowledge (Target Efficacy)e

Mean Total Score = 10.8 (4.3)

  1. aHLQ “ability to navigate healthcare” subscale possible total scores range from 6 to 30
  2. bPCC-Ca-36 “information exchange” subscale possible total scores range from 6 to 30
  3. cPSAS possible total scores range from 12 to 60
  4. dPROMIS Anxiety was transformed to a T-score, where the general population mean is T = 50
  5. eThe TMIM “target efficacy” subscale possible total scores range from 4 to 20