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Table 1 Evidence base and assumptions included in the Theory of Change

From: Using theory of change to co-create a programme theory for a telerehabilitation intervention for pain management in people with haemophilia


1. - PWH who have pain attend regular clinical reviews in their haemophilia centre- so will be identifiable as possible participants from there

  - Physiotherapists will be engaged in the study and willing to undergo training to deliver the intervention

  - Information about the study will be delivered by the specialist physiotherapist known to the PWH

2. - The technology will be available for both PWH and Physiotherapist to participate virtually in real-time in this study

  - Training will be provided for PWH on using virtual/ remote digital platforms

  - Intervention activities will be carried out within normal working hour week

  - Outcome measures will be selected for the study protocol informed by qualitative studies and this theory of change workshop

3. - The map created here will likely need to change/be adapted following completion of the study—this will be addressed in a follow up Theory of Change meeting


1. Literature review (Overview of key findings from narrative review of literature relating to haemophilia, pain, exercise and rehabilitation)

2. Systematic Reviews [6, 25]

3. James Lind Alliance Report [26]

4. Findings of previous qualitative studies [9, 27]

5. World Federation Haemophilia Guidelines [5]