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Table 1 Patient characteristics at last visit

From: A single-center observational study on long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with tuberous sclerosis complex



Sex (n, %)



19 (54.3)


16 (45.7)

CA (years; mean ± SD (range))

13.5 ± 7.8 (0.75–29.5)

CA < 18 years, n (%)

26 (74.3)

CA at diagnosis (years; mean ± SD (range))

1.3 ± 3.5 (0–20.5)

First presenting signs and symptoms, n (%)


22 (62.9)

 Infantile spasms

7 (23.3)

 Cardiac rhabdomyoma

10 (28.6)

Organ manifestations, n (%)*


 Cortical tubers

32 (91.4)


29 (82.9)


8 (22.9)

 Cardiac rhabdomyoma

22 (62.9)

 Renal AML

15 (42.9)

 Renal cysts

17 (48.6)

 Retinal hamartoma

2 (5.7)

 Epilepsy, n (%)

30 (85.7)

Genetics, n (%)


 Testing completed

23 (65.7)

 TSC1 mutation**

6 (26.1)

 TSC2 mutation

15 (65.2)


2 (8.7)

 Positive family history for TSC

12 (34.3)

  1. *Except skin manifestation
  2. **In one patient without skin and organ manifestation other than FCD (focal cortical dysplasia) TSC1 mutation was found in brain tissue following epilepsy surgery
  3. Abbreviations: CA, chronological age; NMI, no mutation identified; SEGA, subependymal giant cell astrocytoma; SEN, subependymal nodule(s); AML, angiomyolipoma