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Table 1 Key criteria for study inclusion in the targeted literature review

From: Targeted literature review exploring the predictive value of estimated glomerular filtration rate and left ventricular mass index as indicators of clinical events in Fabry disease


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


Fabry disease

Any other disease area


eGFR, or LVMI as indicators for clinical events (mortality, cardiac complications, stroke, ESRD)

Studies that do not report relationships for the outcomes of interest

Study design and publication types

Clinical studies reporting a relationship between eGFR/LVMI and clinical outcomes

Exclude comments, letters, editorials, news articles, case reports, in vitro studies, studies focused on animals, and articles reporting design of a study but not reporting results

  1. Key: eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; LVMI, left ventricular mass index
  2. Notes: * The study was originally designed to search for studies in chronic kidney disease as well as Fabry disease, to provide some estimate of the relationship between eGFR and clinical events, in case of there being no results for Fabry disease. However, as Fabry disease studies exploring these relationships were identified, these studies were prioritized for data extraction and further review