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Fig. 3 | Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases

Fig. 3

From: Itch in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa: findings of PEBLES, a prospective register study

Fig. 3

(a) Stacked bar plot displaying the distribution of itch frequency within each RDEB subtype (n = 243 from 50 participants). Never: no itch experienced in the preceding month; Rarely: itch 1 to a few times per month; Sometimes: itch 1 to a few times per week; Often: itch 1 to a few times per day; Always: constant itch. (b) Stacked bar plot displaying the distribution of itch duration within each RDEB subtype (n = 226 from 48 participants). Itch duration refers to the average length of itching episodes in the preceding month

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