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Table 3 Major themes and policy recommendations

From: Navigating the U.S. health insurance landscape for children with rare diseases: a qualitative study of parents’ experiences

Major themes

Primary obstacle/barrier

Policy recommendation

Obtaining insurance

Insurance eligibility differences across states and wait lists to obtain public insurance can limit access to certain types of care

Life decisions such as employment and geographic location are tied to healthcare needs

Consistent mechanisms for patients living with rare diseases to enroll in insurance programs

Universal coverage programs that are not tied to employment

Additional resources in Medicaid to reduce enrollment wait times

Programs to help patients access diagnostics, including genetic testing

Interacting with insurance company representatives

Difficulty getting clear and consistent answers related to coverage

Time intensive and redundant process to cover on-going care needs

Lack of knowledge amongst insurance company representatives about the medical condition and care needs

Insurance staff trained in dealing with rare diseases

A better framework to assess rare medical needs

Assigned caseworkers or patient navigators within insurance and a direct way for parents to contact their representative to increase consistency

Clear and transparent documentation related to coverage benefits

Increased transparency in the claims and prior authorization processes to decrease the time and understand the status

Time limits for coverage decisions

Universal authorizations for on-going needs to decrease redundancy

Accessing care through insurance

Changes from year to year resulted in different out-of-pocket costs and an ability to plan for other healthcare assistance

If coverage was denied, parents were forced to interact with insurance again to dispute the claim

Some aspects of care were seen as medically necessary by providers, but were not covered under insurance

Cost-sharing mechanisms, even if modest, could be prohibitive

Consistency of coverage across plan years and clarity around changes

Published fee schedules and costs

Waivers for out-of-network care so individuals can access diseFinancial assistance or caps on total out-of-pocket costs

ase experts

Approvals for telemedicine that are not subjected to out of network care restraints

Financial assistance

Additional financial assistance was often necessary to cover healthcare needs

From the parental viewpoint, insurance and other assistance were an interconnected web to cover needed care

Some programs were dependent on age or geography

Centralized location for information about other financial assistance programs

Rare disease specific navigators

Involvement in insurance

Parents were responsible for learning the system and available options

Health literacy and overall comfort interacting the system could impact mental health and stress

Parents felt they needed to devote a lot of time to understanding the system, especially to prevent a health event or setback

Trained rare disease patient navigators or centralized information sources

Increased awareness for the challenges facing rare disease families

Additional research related to the experience of navigating the healthcare system and strategies to facilitate better care