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Table 5 Key indicators of content validity for the BTHS-SA, adult version

From: Development and content validity of the Barth Syndrome Symptom Assessment (BTHS-SA) for adolescents and adults


Interpreted as intended (n, %)


Mean response selected, range

Mean noticeable change rating (SD)

Mean important change rating§ (SD)

Experienced within the past 24 h

Experienced outside of the 24-h recall period

Item 1: Tiredness at rest

12/12 (100.0%)

10/12 (83.3%)

1/12 (8.3%)

2.00, 0–4

1.10 (0.32)

1.78 (0.83)

Item 2: Tiredness during activities

12/12 (100.0%)

n = 12/12 (100.0%)

0/0 (0.0%)

2.42, 1–3

1.36 (0.50)

2.10 (0.57)

Item 3: Muscle weakness at rest

10/11 (90.9%)

8/11 (72.7%)

0/0 (0.0%)

1.25, 0–4

1.14 (0.38)

1.50 (1.07)

Item 4: Muscle weakness during activities

12/12 (100.0%)

10/12 (83.3%)

2/12 (16.7%)

2.17, 0–4

1.18 (0.40)

1.82 (0.60)

Item 5: Muscle pain at rest

11/12 (91.7%)

6/11 (54.5%)

4/11 (63.4%)

1.64, 0–3

1.11 (0.33)

1.75 (0.71)

Item 6: Muscle pain due to activities

12/12 (100.0%)

9/12 (75.0%)

3/12 (25.0%)

2.08, 1–4

1.55 (0.69)

1.90 (0.74)

Item 7: Dizziness/‌lightheadedness

11/11 (100.0%)

8/12 (66.7%)

2/12 (16.7%)

1.42, 0–4

1.38 (0.74)

1.63 (1.06)

Item 8: Shortness of breath

12/12 (100.0%)

10/12 (83.3%)

2/12 (16.7%)

2.00, 1–3

1.25 (0.45)

1.82 (0.60)

  1. *Number and percent of participants experiencing the symptom in the 24 h prior (and prior to the past 24 h) to assessment as reported during CDIs
  2. Severity as reported during CDIs on a five-point response scale (“No [CONCEPT] at all” to “Very severe [CONCEPT]”)
  3. The minimum change on a five-point response scale that would represent a noticeable improvement in the symptom concept
  4. §The minimum change on a five-point response scale that would represent an important improvement in the symptom concept