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Table 2 Physician perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 in patients with ATTR amyloidosis

From: ATTR amyloidosis during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from a global medical roundtable

Key highlights


•Older patients with ATTR amyloidosis are at increased risk for developing severe COVID-19, requiring social distancing, use of protective masks, and frequent hand washing

•Many older patients with ATTR amyloidosis share comorbidities known to increase morbidity and mortality risk in COVID-19

•Patients with cardiac ATTR amyloidosis should be aware of their predisposition to complications if they develop COVID-19, particularly stroke and cardiac-related issues

•Differential access to care and the utilization of telehealth may more greatly impact older individuals with ATTR amyloidosis

•Laboratory test results, such as elevated cardiac biomarkers, may be seen in both ATTR amyloidosis and COVID-19, confusing interpretation

•Limitations of in-person evaluations and performing diagnostic evaluation during the COVID-19 pandemic limits the ability to diagnose and follow progression of patients with ATTR amyloidosis

•Because of overwhelmed resources as well as safety of patients and healthcare personal, new approaches to clinical research including remote assessments need to be considered

•More research is needed to fill remaining gaps in knowledge to better understand the real-world clinical impact of COVID-19 on patients with ATTR amyloidosis

  1. ATTR Amyloid transthyretin, COVID-19 Coronavirus disease 2019