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Table 1 Management options for KHEa

From: Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma: current knowledge and future perspectives

Specific approach





Oral prednisolone 2 mg/kg/d or intravenous methylprednisolone 1.6 mg/kg/d

Corticosteroid plus vincristine or corticosteroid plus sirolimus is recommended as the first-line therapy for severe KMP. Corticosteroids should be tapered as soon as medically feasible.


Intravenous 0.05 mg/kg once weekly

Vincristine plus aspirin and/or ticlopidine and vincristine plus corticosteroid are recommended for severe KMP.


Oral 0.8 mg/m2/dose twice daily, adjust for a trough level of 8–15 mg/ml

Sirolimus plus corticosteroid is now recommended as the first-line therapy for severe KMP. Lower serum levels (2–5 mg/ml) of sirolimus are recommended for long-term use or toxicities.


Oral 10 mg/kg/d

Monotherapy is not recommended for KMP.


Subcutaneous injection, 1–3 × 106 U/m2

Interferon-α is not recommended for patients younger than 1 year old due to its significant neurologic toxicities.


Oral 2–3 mg/kg/d

Monotherapy is not recommended for KMP.


 Sirolimus gel

0.1%, twice daily

Used for superficial KHE.

 Tacrolimus ointment

0.1%, twice daily

Used for superficial KHE.

Supportive care treatments

 Fresh frozen plasma or cryoprecipitate

The dosage used is based on the actual situation of the patient (e.g., the severity of hypofibrinogenemia).

Used for active bleeding, platelet count < 30 × 109/L, and/or fibrinogen < 1.0 g/L.


The dosage used is based on the actual situation of the patient (e.g., the severity of thrombocytopenia).

Platelet transfusion is only recommended for active bleeding or before a surgical procedure when the platelet count is less than 30 × 109/L.

 Packed red blood cells

The dosage used is based on the actual situation of the patient (e.g., the severity of anemia).

Transfusion of packed red blood cells is recommended for patients who have symptomatic anemia (hemoglobin concentration less than 80 g/L).

 Active nonintervention

Adjust scheduled visits on the basis of growth of the tumor and/or the development of complications.

Careful observation is recommended for unchanged and uncomplicated KHE.

  1. aKHE Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma, KMP Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon