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Table 3 Overview of treatment and patient outcomes in infants included in the case series

From: Characterization of tracheobronchomalacia in infants with hypophosphatasia


Patients Who Received Asfotase Alfa as Part of the ENB-010-10 Study

Patient Who Received Asfotase Alfa Through Compassionate-Use Program

Patient Who Received Asfotase Alfa as Licensed Medication Post-Authorization

Patient 1

Patient 2

Patient 3

Patient 4

Patient 5

Asfotase alfa dosage, mg/kg/week

1 month: 6

3 months: 9

Current: 7.5

5 weeks: 6

6 months: 7.8

9 months: 7.5

Current: 9

7.5 weeks: 6

Current: 12

1 month: 6

3.5 months

(post-cardiac arrest): 15

Current: 7.5

Birth: 6

2 months: 9

3 months: 15

Current: 7.5

Surgical treatments

5 weeks: tracheostomy

6 weeks: tracheostomy

4 months: gastrostomy

7 weeks: tracheostomy

3 months: gastrostomy

6 weeks: tracheostomy

1 year: gastrostomy

3 days: tracheostomy and central venous access

16 months: left ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy for renal stone obstructing left ureter causing left hydronephrosis

19 months: closure of tracheostomy

2 years: surgical correction of craniosynostosis

Age at TBM diagnosis

2 months

5 months

5 months (suspected at 8 weeks)

5 months

3 months

Current age

5 years, 8 months

5 years, 9 months

5 years, 5 months

7 years, 2 months

3 years, 4 months

Long-term follow-up and current status

15 months: complete clinical resolution and self-ventilating in room air

17 months: normal-appearing lower airways, but profound TBM when coughing or bearing down; BiPAP: PIP 24 cm H2O, PEEP 10 cm H2O

27 months: remains on ventilator; respiratory issues (viral infections) requiring hospital readmission; BiPAP: PIP 22 cm H2O, PEEP 8 cm H2O

5 years, 9 months: off ventilator for 4 h three times daily; plan to completely wean from daytime ventilator by 6 years of age

18 months: significant TBM identified (severity difficult to assess owing to well-positioned custom tracheostomy tube in distal trachea); BiPAP: PIP 26 cm H2O, PEEP 12 cm H2O

23 months: tracheostomy in situ with ventilator support; BiPAP: PIP 25 cm H2O, PEEP 12 cm H2O

5 years, 5 months: off ventilator for 16–18 h daily; plan to rapidly completely discontinue ventilator support in the coming months

2 years: all ventilator support removed

9 months: all ventilator support removed

  1. BiPAP Bilevel positive airway pressure, PEEP Positive end-expiratory pressure, PIP Positive inspiratory pressure, TBM Tracheobronchomalacia