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Table 1 Characteristics of RCTs in AAV patients from WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP)

From: Randomized clinical trials in ANCA-associated vasculitis: a systematic analysis of the WHO - International Clinical Trials Registry Platform

Item and subcategory


N = 40

Single-country studies

29 (72.5)

Location of studies (continent)a


22 (38.5)

 North America

15 (26.5)


12 (21)

 South America

2 (3)


4 (7)


1 (2)


1 (2)

Type of intervention

Pharmacological therapy

38 (95)


22 (55)


16 (40)

Study design

 Parallel group

38 (95)


2 (5)

Type of comparator

 Active (pharmacologic)

22 (55)


14 (35)

 Usual care

3 (7.5)

 No intervention

1 (2.5)

Phase of development

 Early development (phase 0, I)

0 (0)

 Middle development (phase I/II, II)

10 (25)

 Late development (phase II/III,III, IV)

27 (67.5)

 Not reported/not applicable

3 (7.5)

Status of recruitment

 Closed recruitment (completed recruitment or terminated studies)

14 (35)


14 (35)

 Not yet recruiting

7 (17.5)


3 (7.5)


2 (5)


14 (35)

Sample size

 No. of patients planned to be included per study

68 (36–138)

  (median, IQR)

range 14–704

  1. aMultiple answers were possible. RCTs randomized controlled trials