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Table 1 Step II: The first version of PNQ Fabry (58 items): as sent to participants. [Excerpt from the PNQ Fabry V1]

From: Treatment needs and expectations for Fabry disease in France: development of a new Patient Needs Questionnaire


1 – Not at all Important

2 – Slightly Important

3 - Moderately Important

4 - Important

5 – Very Important

6 – Does not apply to me

How important is it to you that the treatment enables...

 to be less depressed and restores your zest for life

 to feel good every day

 to continue to work

 not to fear the administration of your treatment

 to be able to spend time with your family

 to stop the evolution of Fabry disease

 not to cause excessive sweating

 to reduce pain in the feet

 to have less mood swings

 not to suffer from side effects or adverse events related to treatment


How important is it to you to have a treatment...

 that you can pick up at the pharmacy in your town
