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Table 1 Characteristics of included studies in the systematic review and meta-analysis

From: The efficacy and adverse events of mTOR inhibitors in lymphangioleiomyomatosis: systematic review and meta-analysis

Author, Publication Year, Country


Study design

No of patientsa

Study duration

Intervention and sample size

Study outcomes

Lung function inclusion criteria

Bissler[11], 2008, USA

N Engl J Med

single-center prospective open-label phase 1–2 trial

25 (6/12/7)

treatment 1 year, observation 1 year

Sirolimus (n = 25)

Renal AMLs, lung function, 6MWD, lung-cyst volume, AEs and neurologic assessment.


Davies [21], 2011, UK

Clin Cancer Res

multicenter prospective nonrandomized open label phase 2 trial

16 (6/3/7)

treatment 2 years

Sirolimus (n = 16)

Renal AMLs, lung function, AEs and neurocognitive function.


McCormack [14], 2011, USA

N Engl J Med

multi-center, randomized, placebo-controlled study (MILES)

89 (81/8/0)

treatment 1 year, obervation 1 year

sirolimus group (n = 46); placebo group (n = 43)

Lung function, 6MWD, VEGF-D levels and QOL scores and AEs.

FEV1 ≤ 70%

Dabora [22], 2011,USA


multicenter, open label, single arm, phase 2 trail

36 (0/21/15)

treatment 1 year

sirolimus (n = 36)

Renal AMLs, lung function, brain tumors and liver AMLs, skin lesions, VEGF-D levels, AEs.


Bissler [13],2013, USA


multicenter randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study (EXIST-2)

118 (5/24/89)

median everolimus 38 weeks (10–85 weeks)

everolimus group (n = 79); placebo group (n = 39)

AMLs, skin lesion, pulmonary function, VEGF-D levels, everolimus pharmacokinetics and AEs.

DLCO > 35%

Budde [20], 2015, USA

Brit J Clin Pharmaco

multicenter randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study (EXIST-2)

79 (2/20/57)

median everolimus 38 weeks (10–85 weeks)

everolimus(n = 79)

Associations between everolimus concentration and AMLs size, VEGF-D and other biomarker levels.

DLCO > 35%

Goldberg [17], 2015, USA

Eur Respir J

multicenter, open-label, nonrandomised, phase 2 trial

24 (19/5/0)

26 weeks

everolimus, (n = 24)

AEs, everolimus pharmacokinetics, VEGF-D levels, lung function.

(30% ≤ FEV1 ≤ 80%) or (30% ≤ FEV1 ≤ 90% and DLCO < 80%)

Takada [23], 2016, Japan

Annals ATS

mulcenter single arm, open-label trial (MLSTS)


2-year study period

Sirolimus (n = 63)

AEs, lung function and QOL scores.


Bee [24], 2017, UK


a prospective national cohort study, single arm

47 (38/9/0)

35.8 ± 18 months

Sirolimus (n = 47)

Lung function, AEs.


  1. AMLs angiomyolipomas, AEs adverse events, DLCO diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, LAM lymphangioleiomyomatosis, QOL quality of life, TSC tuberous sclerosis complex, VEGF-D vascular endothelial growth factor D, RV residual volume, 6MWD 6-min walking distance
  2. a represent the number of subjects with the diagnosis of sporadic LAM(sLAM), TSC-LAM, and only TSC without LAM manifestation
  3. bLAM patients were included in the study, no accurate data on the number of sLAM or TSC-LAM