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Table 1 Overall Ab status and relationship between IgG and NAbs in the primary analysis population

From: Immunogenicity of idursulfase and clinical outcomes in very young patients (16 months to 7.5 years) with mucopolysaccharidosis II (Hunter syndrome)

N (%)

Ab+ (n = 19)

PAb+ (n = 16)

NAb+ (n = 15)

PNAb+ (n = 14)

Total (n = 28)



16 (100)

15 (100)

14 (100)

19 (68)


16 (84)


14 (93)

14 (100)

16 (57)


15 (79)

14 (88)


14 (100)

15 (54)


14 (74)

14 (88)

14 (93)


14 (50)

  1. Ab+, antibody positive; IgG, immunoglobulin G; NAb+, neutralizing antibody positive; PAb+, persistently antibody positive; PNAb+, persistently neutralizing antibody positive.