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Table 1 Below are a series of statements concerning your child’s skin disease, please answer as spontaneously as possible

From: Family burden in inherited ichthyosis: creation of a specific questionnaire

My child's skin disease has made us want to move.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

My child's skin disease has made me want to quit my job.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

My child's skin disease affects my sleep.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

My child's skin disease complicates our family life.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

I spend the day thinking about my child’s skin disease

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

My child’s skin disease prevents us from going on vacation.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

My child needs more attention than other children because of his/her skin disease.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

Our child’s skin disease has forced us to rethink our plans for the future.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

Our child's skin disease causes us to neglect his/her brothers and sisters.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

My child’s skin disease prevents me from going to see my family.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

Because of my child’s skin disease, my family does not come to see us.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

Our child’s skin disease creates problems between me and my partner.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

I often feel frustrated after consultations related to our child’s skin disease.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

People's reactions to our child's skin disease are hard to accept.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

I feel guilty because of our child's skin disease.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

My child's skin disease has completely disrupted my life.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

I have not managed to accept our child's skin disease.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

I have a hard time getting used to the smell caused by our child's skin disease.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

Because of his/her skin disease, I have great difficulty finding someone to babysit my child.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

Because of his/her skin disease, my child has a lot of difficulties at school.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

Because of his/her skin disease, I fear for the future of my child.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

I'm growing tired of the daily care.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

I don’t feel well the day before I go to hospital.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

I don’t feel well the day after I go to hospital.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

The care I must provide to my child is extremely tiring.

□definitely yes


□definitely not

□I don’t know

  1. There are no rights or wrongs answers, only your answer. Thank you for your participation.