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Table 2 Psychosocial impact of living with SMA

From: A mixed method study on the impact of living with spinal muscular atrophy in Malaysia from patients’ and caregivers’ perspectives

Psychosocial impact of SMA


N = 13 (%)

Caregivers of PWSMA

N = 29 (%)

Mental health


Feel stressed

7 (54)

16 (55)

Feel depressed

5 (38)

6 (21)

Feel anxious

5 (38)

22 (76)

Feel socially isolated

4 (31)

3 (10)

Lack independence

6 (46)

8 (27)

Physical issues


Lack mobility independence

7 (54)

24 (83)

Unable to transfer

7 (54)

17 (59)

Limited physical activities

7 (54)

16 (55)

Unable to go to toilet oneself

6 (46)

15 (52)

Unable to turn in bed

5 (38)

11 (38)

Unable to care for personal hygiene

4 (31)

15 (52)

Unable to dress self

4 (31)

11 (38)

Unable to feed oneself

3 (23)

5 (17)

Psychosocial impact


Lost job

2 (15)

4 (14)

Troubled relationships

3 (23)

2 (7)

Disruption to career/education


Unable to attend work/school

4 (31)

8 (28)

Diminished social activities

4 (31)

6 (21)