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Table 2 Patient baseline characteristics

From: Analysis of cognitive ability and adaptive behavior assessment tools used in an observational study of patients with mucopolysaccharidosis II


Study population (N = 38)

Male, n (%)

38 (100)

Age, years


 Median (range)

4.90 (2.11–16.74)

Age subgroups, n (%)


 < 7 years

27 (71.1)

 ≥ 7 years

11 (28.9)

Race, n (%)



2 (5.3)

 African American

1 (2.6)


32 (84.2)


3 (7.9)

Genotype category, n (%)



3 (7.9)

 Large deletion

1 (2.6)

 Missense/presumed missense

20 (52.6)


3 (7.9)

 Premature truncated

2 (5.3)

 Presumed splice site/splice site

9 (23.7)

Baseline DAS-II GCA scorea subgroups, n (%)


  ≤ 70

16 (42.1)

  > 70

16 (42.1)


6 (15.8)

Baseline DAS-II GCA scorea, n = 32


 Mean (SD)

73.1 (14.4)

Baseline VABS-II ABC scoreb, n = 36


 Mean (SD)

81.8 (11.8)

  1. ABC Adaptive Behavior Composite; DAS-II Differential Ability Scales, second edition; GCA General Conceptual Ability; SD standard deviation; VABS-II Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, second edition
  2. aStandard scores of ≤ 69, 70–79, 80–89 and 90–109 indicate very low, low, below average and average function, respectively
  3. bStandard scores of ≤ 70, 71–85 and 86–114 indicate low, moderately low and adequate adaptive levels, respectively