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Table 3 Identifies deficits in Physiotherapy research by outcome

From: Physiotherapy for epidermolysis bullosa: clinical practice guidelines

Current outcome

General areas for future research

 Optimize developmental motor milestone attainment

Comparative studies regarding attainment of gross motor skills between infants with and without with EB

Evaluate effectiveness of prone skill achievement between infants with and without EB

Evaluate timeframe of typical developmental achievement for infants and toddlers with EB

Studies to support early education/home exercise program for developmentally age appropriate gross motor milestones and handling from birth

 Optimize safe and functional mobility in their natural environment

Longitudinal study to quantify functional gross motor skills through lifespan of persons with EB

Long term retrospective study on effectiveness of an individualized physiotherapy home exercise program and functional mobility

Long term prospective study regarding mobility devices and duration of maintaining independent functional mobility

 Optimize ambulation endurance and cardiorespiratory function

Study to assess validity and reliability of Standardized Assessments and Outcomes Measures on people living with EB

Evaluate effectiveness of a walking program on levels of endurance for people living with EB

Assess whether use of tricycle/bicycle, rather than a wheelchair increase endurance and cardiorespiratory system lead to prolonged ambulation skills

Identify cardiovascular endurance changes in persons with EB over a designated period of time

Study cardiomyopathy and/or muscular dystrophy in persons with EB and exercise capacity

Evaluate if techniques such as massage and/or compression garment would be effective in reducing edema

 Optimize ability to safely bear weight

Long term study of lower extremity range of motion and direction of dressing application to prevent contractures

Efficacy of supportive orthotics for range of motion and strength to bear weight for major types of EB

 Optimize interaction with environment

Identify likely prognostic timeframe when durable medical equipment will be needed for the major types of EB

Evaluate the efficacy of power wheelchair versus power scooter in the EB population

 Improve access to appropriate physiotherapy services

Delphi research project incorporating the clinical expertise of international physiotherapists who care for persons with EB