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Table 3 Evolution of measures after one year

From: Normative data on spontaneous stride velocity, stride length, and walking activity in a non-controlled environment


5–17 years old

Over 18 years old


Mean (SD)


Mean (SD)


Δ6MWD (m)

33.6 (50.302)

p = 0.000**

14.87 (46.649)

p = 0.191

Δ4SC (s)

 − 0.11 (0.288)

p = 0.004**

 − 0.02 (0.463)

p = 0.875

ΔRFF (s)

 − 0.07 (0.336)

p = 0.293

 − 0.24 (0.736)

p = 0.239

Δ10MW (s)

 − 0.76 (0.77)

p = 0.000**

 − 0.52 (0.632)

p = 0.011*

ΔDistance (m/h)

 − 17.23 (76.17)

p = 0.059

9.38 (67.15)

p = 0.609

ΔSV50C (m/s)

0.01 (0.078)

p = 0.359

0.01 (0.154)

p = 0.691

ΔSV95C (m/s)

 − 0.12 (0.447)

p = 0.112

0.12 (0.389)

p = 0.955

ΔSL50C (m)

0.05 (0.06)

p = 0.000**

0.01 (0.095)

p = 0.427

ΔSL95C (m)

0,02 (0.184)

p = 0.241

0,04 (0.133)

p = 0.691

  1. Time effect was assessed by a rank Wilcoxon test for single sample (null hypothesis: median = 0). Significance level p ≤ 0.01**, p ≤ 0.05*. 6MWT: 6-min walk distance, 4SC: 4-stair climb; RFF: rise from floor; 10MW: 10-m walk test; SV50C: 50th centile stride velocity; SV95C: 95th centile stride velocity; SL50C: 50th centile stride length; SL95C: 95th centile stride length