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Table 1 Details of (a) focus group participants, N = 23, (b) pre-focus group survey responses N = 20 and (c) post-focus group survey responses N = 13

From: The long and winding road: perspectives of people and parents of children with mitochondrial conditions negotiating management after diagnosis

(a) Focus groups

Number of participants (%)

Adults with a MRCD

14/20 (70%)

Parents of a child with a MRCD

9/20 (45%)

Participants with both

3/20 (15%)

Participants from metro regions

15/20 (75%)

(b) Pre-focus group survey

Number of responses, where N = 20 (%)

Length of time engaging with the health system around their/their child’s MRCD

M = 9.8 years (range 1–50 years)

Diagnosed over three years ago

14 (70%)

Participants who see a MRCD service with a multidisciplinary team

9 (45%)

(c) Post-focus group survey

Number of responses, where N = 13 (%)

Participants who answered “Extremely useful” or “Very useful” to How useful do you think the new guidelines are?

11/13 (85%)

Participants who responded “yes” to “Are the guidelines relevant to your situation?”

11/12 (92%)