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Table 2 Diagnostic pathway (%)

From: The diffuse-type tenosynovial giant cell tumor (dt-TGCT) patient journey: a prospective multicenter study

Time [months] from onset symptoms until diagnosis, median (Q1, Q3)

16.9 (4.0–44.0)

Information on MRI


Any closesta to BL MRI, n (%)

157 (94.6)

Indication of MRI closest to BL, n (%)


 Primary diagnosis

36 (25.7)


16 (11.4)

 Regular postoperative follow-up

56 (40.0)

 Follow-up due to complaints

32 (22.9)



Characteristics of MRI, n (%)


 Both intra- and extra-articular (n = 147)

90 (61.2)

 Extra-articular tendon/muscle involvement (n = 141)

99 (70.2)

 Ligament involvement (n = 134)

88 (65.7)

TGCT severity, n (%)


 Moderate diffuse

64 (38.6)

 Severe diffuse

83 (50.0)

 Not assessable

19 (11.4)

Information on biopsy


Any biopsy prior BLb (restricted to the 95 patients with primary diagnosis), n (%)

86 (90.5)

 Excisional biopsy

32 (41.6)

 Core needle biopsy

14 (18.2)

 Arthroscopic biopsy

11 (14.3)

 Surgery for suspected cancer diagnosis

10 (13.0)

 Fine needle aspiration biopsy

6 (7.8)


9 (11.7)



  1. BL baseline, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, Q1 quarter 1, Q3 quarter 3, TGCT tenosynovial giant cell tumor
  2. aDefined as MRI with nearest date to Baseline visit date, with the date of MRI either before or equal to the Baseline visit date or—if no treatment yet performed—at the latest 30 days after the Baseline visit date
  3. bPercentage calculation can sum to > 100% because patients can fall in more than one category