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Table 5 Economic outcomes: non-medical and indirect costs

From: Clinical, humanistic, and economic burden of severe hemophilia B in the United States: Results from the CHESS US and CHESS US+ population surveys

Mean (SD), unless noted


n = 57

Non-medical cost

 Alternative and complimentary therapies

$150 (452)

 Devices and home alterations

$28 (75)

 Over the counter medications

$178 (323)

 Disability entitlement

$116 (343)


$333 (351)

 Professional caregiver

$947 (5,081)

 Informal caregiver

$619 (3,179)

Indirect cost


$760 (2,286)

 Early retirement/unemployed due to hemophilia

$6,171 (16,640)

 Total non-medical cost

$2,371 (6,184)

 Total indirect cost

$6.931 (16,510)