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Table 4 Attitudes towards thalassaemia among students who had heard about thalassaemia (n = 521)

From: Lack of knowledge and misperceptions about thalassaemia among college students in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional baseline study

Questions or Actions

Positive n (%)

Neutral n (%)

Negative n (%)

1. I would take the necessary blood test before marriage to prevent the birth of a thalassaemic child

459 (88.1%)

59 (11.3%)

3 (0.6%)

2. I would like to donate my blood for patients with thalassaemia

317 (60.8%)

129 (24.8%)

75 (14.4%)

3. I would be happy to befriend a patient with thalassaemia

307 (58.9%)

124 (23.8%)

90 (17.3%)

4. I would like to inform others about the potential danger of thalassaemia

471 (90.4%)

48 (9.2%)

2 (0.4%)

5. I would take necessary steps to ensure blood testing for thalassaemia before the marriage of my family members

441 (84.6%)

78 (15%)

2 (0.4%)

6. I want my school to take the initiative to generate awareness among students about thalassaemia

469 (90%)

52 (10%)

0 (0%)