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Table 2 Screening for major NF1 complications

From: Neurofibromatosis 1 French national guidelines based on an extensive literature review since 1966

Sought Complications

Affected patients

Screening modality

Dermatological manifestations

Subcutaneous, internal, and plexiform NF: malignant transformation?

Esthetic or functional problems?

Children, adults

Clinical examination:

Pain, neurological deficit, increase in size, functional and psychological repercussions

Additional examinations: optional

Indications: suspicion of malignancy, preoperative, internal NF risk factor

Juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG)


Physical examination

If JXG present: palpation of ganglionic areas and complete blood count

Orthopedic manifestations

Bone dysplasia and pseudarthrosis of the long bones, fractures

Children, adults

Clinical examination: search for gibbosity, bone deformity.

X-ray if abnormalities found on clinical examination


Children, adults

Physical examination

Additional examinations (optional):

Front and profile X-ray views of the spine if clinical abnormalities found (1st line)

MRI should be reserved for forms with vertebral and/or costal dysplasia (expert consensus)

Pulmonary function tests to evaluate the impact of severe scoliosis

Bone mineralization disorder, osteoporosis

Children, adults

Consider bone densitometry scans based on clinical examination, vitamin D levels and X-ray results

Endocrinological manifestations

Pubertal and growth disorders


Follow pubertal development and the growth curve, measure head circumference.

Cardiac and vascular manifestations

Essential and secondary hypertension

Children, adults

Physical examination:

Blood pressure measurement at each consultation (at least annually), discuss the possibility of ambulatory measurement

Look for signs suggestive of pheochromocytoma

Additional examinations if high blood pressure.

As a first-line examination: angio-CT scan of the renal arteries and abdominal CT

Plasma and/or urinary determination of metanephrines in adults.

Cardiac abnormalities

Children, adults

Clinical examination

Hemorrhagic manifestations

Children, adults

Assess hemostasis before any surgical, dental or obstetric procedure.

Pain, psychological repercussions, quality of life

Children, adults

Clinical examination

Offer psychological counseling, pain specialist referral

Otolaryngologic manifestations

Deafness, neurinoma, phonatory disorder, laryngeal NF

Children, adults

Otolaryngologic examination with tuning fork

Neurological manifestations



Interview: repeated falls leading to suspicion of decrease visual acuity or visual field amputation

Neurological and ocular examination: strabismus, nystagmus, low visual acuity, neurological deficit, signs of intracranial hypertension. Early puberty, deviation from the growth curve, measurement of head circumference

Ophthalmological screening at least once per year until the age of 13 years and then if signs appear

MRI of the optic and cerebral pathways is not systematic and should be done only if suspicion of OPG

Epilepsy, hydrocephalus, intracranial hypertension, stroke, headache

Children, adults

Neurological examination

Cerebral MRI and electroencephalogram guided by the abnormalities detected on clinical examination

Developmental delay, learning difficulties, behavioral problems


Evaluation of psychomotor development and academic proficiency at each consultation

Search for learning difficulties

Comprehensive neuropsychomotor assessment before entering elementary school, support for school integration

Medullary and nerve compression, peripheral neuropathy,

Socio-professional integration


Clinical examination


MPNST (60% of cancers in NF1 patients)

Children, adults

Clinical examination: recent increase in size of plexiform NF, appearance of pain.

Additional examinations if signs appear

If high NF-1 score: screening for internal neurofibromas by imaging (preferably by MRI).

All other cancers

Children, adults

Clinical examination: asthenia, high blood pressure, intracranial hypertension symptoms, abdominal mass, bladder signs, appearance of mass, compressive syndrome …

Screening identical to that of the general population except for earlier breast screening (>  40 years)