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Fig. 1 | Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases

Fig. 1

From: Eye movement biomarkers allow for the definition of phenotypes in Gaucher Disease

Fig. 1

Saccade performance left. a Main sequence with individual’s data points and 95% prediction interval (red solid lines) with statistics of peak saccade velocities obtained from readouts at given eye amplitudes (left and right lower panel) from the individual’s non-linear (Vmax-Vmax*exp(-A/Ac)) fit along the main sequence. b Saccade gain computed as the ratio of saccade amplitude and target amplitude. c Time duration from saccade onset to saccade end. d Response time as the time difference from target onset to saccade onset. Provided p-values resulted from Kruskal–Wallis analysis on ranks across groups, i.e. controls, Gaucher disease type 1 (GD-T1), Gaucher disease type 1 with R463C mutation (R463C), and Gaucher Disease type 3 (NGD). Statistically significant differences of post-hoc Dunn’s test are indicated by *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. All p-values are adjusted for multiple comparisons using the family-wise error rate

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