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Table 2 BMI category distribution at enrollment among 165 study participants with Prader-Willi syndrome

From: Variability and change over time of weight and BMI among adolescents and adults with Prader-Willi syndrome: a 6-month text-based observational study

BMI-for-age categories

12–17 years old,

n (%)

18 years or older,

n (%)



1 (1.2)

0 (0)

1 (0.6)

Normal Weight

29 (33.3)

23 (31.1)

52 (32.3)


10 (11.5)

14 (18.9)

24 (14.9)


47 (54.0)

37 (50.0)

84 (52.2)



4 (2.4)

  1. BMI categories for adolescents 20 years and younger were calculated using the gender-specific body mass index-for-age percentiles from the US CDC. Adult BMI categories were assigned from the US CDC categories