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Table 2 Low protein foods that can be eaten without restriction in a low phenylalanine diet

From: PKU dietary handbook to accompany PKU guidelines

Food groups

Examples of low protein foods that can be eaten without calculation or restriction in a low phenylalanine diet

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables containing phenylalanine ≤ 75 mg/100 g. The exception to this rule is potatoes, which are calculated and measured within the phenylalanine exchange system.


Butter, margarine, ghee, and vegetable oils.

Generally, any fat spread containing protein ≤ 1 g/100 g can be given in the diet without calculating its phenylalanine/protein content [11].


Cassava flour, arrowroot, sago, tapioca, and corn starch that contains protein ≤0.5 g/100 g (phenylalanine content ≤ 25 mg/100 g).

Vegan cheese

Any vegan cheese that contains protein ≤ 0.5 g/100 g (or ≤ 25 mg phenylalanine/100 g) can be given in the diet without calculating the phenylalanine/protein content. If it contains > 0.5 g/100 g (or > 25 mg phenylalanine /100 g), it should be measured/calculated in the phenylalanine/natural protein allowance.


Sugar, glucose, jam, honey, marmalade, golden syrup, maple syrup, fruit sorbets, ice lollies, and sweets that contains protein ≤ 0.5 g/100 g (phenylalanine content ≤ 25 mg/100 g) [11].

Vegetarian jelly /agar agar (gelatin free)

If jelly/agar contains protein ≤ 0.5 g/100 g (or phenylalanine ≤ 25 mg/100 g) it can be given in the diet without restriction. If it contains protein > 0.5 g/100 g (>  25 mg phenylalanine /100 g, it should be measured/calculated in the phenylalanine/natural protein allowance.

Low protein special foods

A selection of low protein breads, flour mixes, pizza bases, pasta, biscuits, and egg replacers are available. Low protein special products are allocated in the diet without restriction if all ingredients are exchange-free e.g. food starch and oil. If they contain protein containing ingredients and contain > 25 mg phenylalanine/100 g, their phenylalanine should be calculated in the diet.


All herbs, spices and seasonings can be incorporated into the diet without phenylalanine calculation as the quantity used in cooking is very small.


Water, squash, lemonade, cola drinks, fruit juice, black tea, fruit tea, green tea, coffee, tonic water, soda water and mineral water are all permitted providing they are aspartame free.

Low protein/low Phe special milk

Any low protein special milk replacements that provide a total phenylalanine intake of > 25 mg over 24 h in the volume consumed should be calculated/measured in the phenylalanine allowance. If the total phenylalanine intake from low protein milk replacements provides phenylalanine ≤25 mg over 24 h, it can be given without restriction [11].

Plant milk

Any plant milk (e.g. coconut, rice, almond) that contains protein > 0.1 g/100 ml should be calculated/measured in the diet.


Food essences and food colouring are used in small quantities and can be given without restriction.