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Table 2 Neuropsychological assessment protocol

From: The effect of impulsivity and inhibitory control deficits in the saccadic behavior of premanifest Huntington’s disease individuals


Goal/Assessment domain

Montreal Cognitive Assessment - MoCA [55, 56]

mild cognitive impairment and dementia screening

Stroop Test - Color Naming, Word Reading, and Interference tasks [61, 62]

executive function – cognitive flexibility and processing speed

Edinburgh Handedness Inventory - Portuguese adaptation [63]

handedness definition

Digit Symbol subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III [64, 65]

psychomotor speed and working memory

Rey Auditory Verbal Learning test - Portuguese version [66, 67] - total trials 1–5

verbal memory

12-item short form of the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices [68]

indication of non-verbal intelligence and to control for individual differences in IQ that are unrelated to illness

Corsi Block-Tapping task [69, 70]

psychomotor speed, working memory and executive functioning - the product of the total number of correct trials and the length of the largest sequence was calculated

Benton Visual Retention test [71]

visual memory

Rey Auditory Verbal Learning test - Portuguese version [66, 67]– recall and recognition trials

verbal memory

Benton Visual Form Discrimination test [72]

visual perception

Phonemic Verbal Fluency test: 3 letters – P, M, R [73]

executive function – working memory, word generation and inhibition

Semantic Verbal Fluency test: category – animals [74]

executive function – working memory, word generation and inhibition

Vocabulary of the WAIS-III [64, 65]

indication of verbal intelligence and control for individual differences in intelligence that are unrelated to illness

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – Snaith Irritability Scale (HADS-SIS) [75, 76]

psychiatric symptoms and prevalence of depression and anxiety