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Table 1 Literature search

From: Treatment of thoracolumbar kyphosis in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type I: results of an international consensus procedure


Search strategy


((exp Mucopolysaccharidosis I/) or (MPS1 or MPSI or mps-1 or mps-I or ((mucopolysaccharidos* adj (1 or I)) or ((hurler-scheie or hurler or scheie) adj (syndrom* or diseas*)))).ti,ab,kf.)


((exp Kyphosis/ or exp. Thoracic Vertebrae/ or exp. Spinal Cord/ or exp. Lumbar Vertebrae/) or (cobb or kypho* or vertebr* or thoracolumb* or spine or spinal or lumba*).ti,ab,kf.)


((hurler syndrome/ or scheie syndrome/) or ((mucopolysaccharidos* adj (1 or I)) or ((hurler-scheie or hurler or scheie) adj (syndrom* or diseas*))).ti,ab,kw)


(exp Kyphosis/ or exp. spine/ or (cobb or kypho* or vertebr* or thoracolumb* or spine or spinal or lumba*).ti,ab,kw)