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Table 1 Proofs of the second survey

From: Evaluation of DSD training schools organized by cost action BM1303 “DSDnet”


Answer choices

Q1. What is your speciality:

o pediatrician/pediatric endocrinologist

o pediatric/adolescent urologist

o pediatric/adolescent urologist

o clinical geneticist

o researcher (cellular/molecular)

o clinical psychologist

o other (please specify) [free text]

Q2. Age at the time of TS and Country of Origin

o < 30 yrs

o 30–35

o 36–40

o > 40

Country of Origin [free text]

Q3. TS attended year

o 2015 Ghent

o 2016 Bologna

o 2017 Budapest

Q4. Job status at time of TS

Free text

Q5. Job status at time of survey

Free text

Q6. Are you still active in the field of DSD?

o No

o Yes

If no, please explain in brief why not. If yes, please give an example of how you have used the knowledge [free text]

Q7. Was your professional network enlarged thanks to the TS? Are you still in contact with:

o Trainees

o Other members of DSDnet COST Action (specify the specialty or patients’ association) [free text]

Q8. Has the DSDnet TS influenced your decision in the direction of your career?

o Yes

o No

Q9. Have you applied to any kind of grant related to DSD after attending the TS?

o No

o If yes, please write the name of the grant [free text]

Q10. Have you received a fellowship related to DSD after attending the TS?

o No

o If yes, write the name of the fellowship