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Table 3 Estimated NIS-LL muscle weakness at Months 6, 12, and 18, according to severity of baseline muscle weakness and treatment group

From: Influence of baseline neurologic severity on disease progression and the associated disease-modifying effects of tafamidis in patients with transthyretin amyloid polyneuropathy

Baseline NIS-LL muscle weakness

Treatment group

Month 6

Month 12

Month 18



5.5 (0.4)

6.0 (0.4)

6.5 (0.6)



6.3 (0.4)

7.5 (0.4)

8.8 (0.6)



16.9 (0.5)

18.1 (0.6)

19.3 (0.7)



17.7 (0.5)

19.6 (0.6)

21.6 (0.7)



28.3 (0.8)

30.2 (0.8)

32.2 (1.0)



29.1 (0.7)

31.7 (0.8)

34.4 (1.0)

  1. Data are shown as mean (standard error). The reason for the slightly higher mean scores in muscle weakness at certain time points (compared with the overall NIS-LL score) can be explained by the fact that separate models were conducted on NIS-LL and NIS-LL muscle weakness, which makes cross-comparisons problematic. In addition, comparable baseline scores on the two endpoints can be very different in terms of reflecting disease severity and progression; a patient with a muscle weakness score of 15 would likely be more severely ill and progress more rapidly on this scale than a patient with a comparable baseline of 15 on the total NIS-LL (this was confirmed by the present analysis where the baseline coefficient for NIS-LL muscle weakness was greater than the coefficient for NIS-LL, suggesting faster clinical decline in muscle weakness than NIS-LL within the same period, as baseline increases)
  2. NIS-LL Neuropathy Impairment Score − Lower Limbs; P-T placebo-to-tafamidis; T-T tafamidis-to-tafamidis