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Table 1 Patient demographics and medical history, based on patients’ recollections of events

From: The impact of lipoprotein lipase deficiency on health-related quality of life: a detailed, structured, qualitative study


Patient 1

Patient 2

Patient 3





Age (years)




Age at LPLD symptom onset (years)


Primary school age

Early 30s

Age at diagnosis of LPLD (years)

Early 50s (diagnosis of hyperlipidaemia type I/V and acute/chronic pancreatitis at 18 years old)

Young age

Early 40s

Number of acute attacks of pancreatitis requiring hospitalisation


102b (requiring hospitalisation over 5 years)

5 (2 admissions to ITU; 2 to HDU; 1 admission to a ward)

Medicationsc taken at home for LPLD symptoms

Antox®, black garlic

Tramadol, cyclizine, Deep Heat® patches

Statins, fenofibrate, omega-3 capsules

In-hospital medications/management during attacks of pancreatitis

IV fluids and morphine, slow re-introduction of food

IV fluids, morphine and cyclizine followed by IV paracetamol, nil by mouth for 1–2 days

Analgesic medications, total parenteral nutrition


PVD, hypertension, IBS


Type 2 diabetes

Family members with LPLD

Sister had a child (son) who died from high levels of lipids in the liver (formal diagnosis unknown)

Yes (sister)

Yes (sister)

  1. HDU high-dependency unit, IBS irritable bowel syndrome, ITU intensive therapy unit, IV intravenous, LPLD lipoprotein lipase deficiency, PVD peripheral vascular disease
  2. aThis number may be underestimated given that patient 1 experienced one attack per month in her late teens and early 20s
  3. bThis number was estimated by the patient
  4. cPharmacological and alternative