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Table 2 Minimum requirements for the management and follow-up of patients with PKU

From: The complete European guidelines on phenylketonuria: diagnosis and treatment


Childhood (<12 y)

Adolescence (12–18 y)

Adulthood (≥18 y) excluding maternal PKU

Maternal PKU

Outpatient visit

Given good clinical and metabolic control:

Age 0–1 years: every 2 months

Age 1–12 years: twice per year

Extra clinic visit as indicated

Given good clinical and metabolic control:

twice per year

Extra clinic visit as indicated

Given good clinical and metabolic control:

once per year

Extra clinic visit as indicated

Given good clinical and metabolic control: once per trimester

Extra clinic visit as indicated

Clinical nutritional assessment

Every outpatient visit: dietary assessment (3-day food record/24 h recall), anthropometric parameters (weight, height, BMI) and clinical features of micronutrient and Phe deficiency (especially anorexia, listlessness, alopecia, perineal rash)

Every outpatient visit: dietary assessment (3-day food record/24 h recall), anthropometric parameters (weight, height, BMI) and clinical features of micronutrient and Phe deficiency

Every 12–24 months: dietary assessment (3-day food record/24 h recall), anthropometric parameters (weight, height, BMI) and clinical features of micronutrient and Phe deficiency

Every outpatient visit:dietary assessment (3-day food record/24 h recall) and weight

Metabolic control

Age 0–1 year weekly Phe

Age 1–12 years fortnightly Phe

Increased frequency as indicated

Annually: plasma amino acids

Monthly Phe

Increased frequency as indicated

Annually: plasma amino acids

Monthly Phe

Increased frequency as indicated

Annually: plasma amino acids

Pre-conceptionally: weekly

Pregnancy: twice weekly

Increased frequency as indicated

Pre-conceptionally: plasma amino acids

Biochemical nutritional assessment

Annual measurement of plasma homocysteine and/or methylmalonic acid, haemoglobin, MCV and ferritin. All other micronutrients (vitamins and minerals including calcium, zinc, selenium) or hormones (parathyroid hormone) if clinically indicated

Pre-conception and at the start of pregnancy:

folic acid, vitamin B12, plasma homocysteine and/or methylmalonic acid, ferritin, full blood count

Pregnancy: when indicated

Bone Density

BMD measurement only indicated when there are specific clinical reasons or when patients are known to be at particular risk of metabolic bone disease

The first measurement of BMD should be undertaken during late adolescence

- When BMD is abnormal, DXA (with or without change of treatment) should be repeated after 1 year. If osteoporosis (BMD < -2.5 SD) persists despite optimization of diet and physical activity, other possible causes of osteoporosis should be investigated. Treatment (including consideration of bisphosphonates) should be determined by osteoporosis severity.

-  If BMD results are still low but stable, yearly measurement is unnecessary. - When BMD is normal, no repeat measurement is necessary. Further study need only be considered when there are clinical reasons to do so.

BMD measurement is only indicated when there are specific clinical reasons or when patients are known to be at particular risk of metabolic bone disease

Not indicated

Neurocognitive functions

Only neurocognitive tests when indicated.

Testing at age 12 years

Proposed domains of neurocognitive testing:

IQ, perception/visuospatial functioning, EF (divided into inhibitory control, working memory and cognitive flexibility) and motor control.

Extra neurocognitive tests as indicated.

Testing at age 18 years

Proposed domains of neurocognitive testing:

IQ, perception/visuospatial functioning, EF (divided into inhibitory control, working memory and cognitive flexibility) and motor control.

Extra neurocognitive tests as indicated.

Not indicated

Adaptive issues (e.g. clinical relevant behavioural problems)

Annually: clinical assessment/discussion

Annually: clinical assessment/discussion

Screening at age 12 years

Annually: clinical assessment/discussion

Screening at age 18 years

Not indicated

Neurological complications

If neurodegeneration occurs

If neurodegeneration occurs

Annually: clinical examination

Not indicated

Psychosocial functioning and wellbeing and QOL

Annually: Clinical assessment/discussion

Once during childhood: (PKU-)QOL questionnaire

Annually: Clinical assessment/discussion

Once during adolescence: (PKU-)QOL questionnaire

Annually: Clinical assessment/discussion

Once during adulthood: (PKU-)QOL questionnaire

Especially in case of not becoming pregnant, the patient may need support

Psychiatric examination

At onset of symptoms of psychiatric disturbances

At onset of symptoms of psychiatric disturbances

At onset of symptoms of psychiatric disturbances

Not indicated

White matter abnormalities (MRI)

When there is an unexpected clinical course and/or unexpected neurological deficits

When there is an unexpected clinical course and/or unexpected neurological deficits

When there is an unexpected clinical course and/or unexpected neurological deficits

Not indicated

Age group specific investigations




Ultrasound at 18–22 weeks of pregnancy with screening for organ development (especially if there is lack of optimal metabolic control)


Echocardiogram in all infants who are conceived by women with either high blood Phe levels or poor maternal blood Phe control during pregnancy