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Table 1 Overview of principles

From: Principles for consistent value assessment and sustainable funding of orphan drugs in Europe



Value Assessment

1: National pricing and reimbursement processes should acknowledge the EMA’s assessment of therapeutic benefit

2: National Authorities should incorporate rare disease expertise within their local assessment processes

3: OMP assessment should consider all relevant elements of value

4: Value assessment methods for OMPs should incorporate multiple criteria

5: Value mechanisms should be flexible to accommodate evidential uncertainty at time of OMP approval

Innovation and Price

6: Adequate funding should be provided to ensure optimal patient access to OMPs and to incentivise research

7: OMP reimbursement decisions should be determined by benchmarking value and price against treatments with similar characteristics

8: If used, ICER thresholds should be modulated to reflect the specificities of rare diseases and OMPs

Sustainability of OMP Model

9: National authorities should develop adaptive and efficient processes to optimise use of real world data collected before and after value assessment

10: Rational and evidence-based funding mechanisms should be developed to guarantee long-term sustainability