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Table 3 Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors

From: Management of endocrino-metabolic dysfunctions after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Metabolic syndrome

Cardiovascular risk factors

- insulin resistance

- family history of early-onset coronary heart disease: myocardial infarction or sudden death of the father or a first-degree male relative before the age of 55 or of the mother or a first-degree female relative before the age of 65 or stroke in a family member before the age of 45.

- pro-thrombotic, inflammatory state

- on-going tobacco use or cessation within the last three years.

- high blood pressure

- hypertension (even when treated).

- changes in the distribution of adipose tissue

- HDL-cholesterol <0.4 g/L (NB: values >0.60 g/L are protective).

- dyslipidemia characterized by hypertriglyceridemia (above 1.5 g/L) and low HDL cholesterol levels (<0.4 g/L in male and 0.5 g/L in female). leading to early-onset cardiovascular disease.

- Microalbuminuria >30 mg/24 h.


- Age >50 in men, >60 in women + history of transplantation

NB: Role of immunosuppressive regimen

- Glucocorticoid therapy increases total cholesterol, VLDL, the size and density of LDL particles and TG by increasing insulin resistance.

- Calcineurin inhibitors reduce clearance of athero- genic lipoproteins by increasing the activity of hepatic lipase and decreasing lipoprotein lipase.

- Ciclosporine, metabolized through CYP3A4, induces a greater adverse impact on lipid profiles than tacrolimus, and may increase systemic statin exposure

- Sirolimus causes dyslipidaemia in 50% of cases