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Figure 2 | Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases

Figure 2

From: Rescue of nonsense mutations by amlexanox in human cells

Figure 2

Amlexanox increases the amount of nonsense mutation-containing mRNAs. Increasing amounts of amlexanox are added to the cell culture medium of Calu-6 cells (A), DMD cells (B) or 6CFSMEo- cells (C). RNAs are purified, reverse transcribed and PCR is performed to measure the level of p53, dystrophin or CFTR mRNA, respectively. GAPDH level is used to normalize the amount of the nonsense mutation-containing mRNAs level. The three left lanes represent a two-fold serial dilution of RNA from untreated cells (Calu-3 cells for (A) and (C) or WT myoblasts for (B)). Quantifications are given as a ratio of P53 or P21 mRNA on GAPDH mRNA level and normalized to DMSO treatment which is given as 1. Quantifications are based on at least 3 independent experiments and the average quantification is indicated under each gel with standard deviation.

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