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Table 1 Classification of non-syndromic anorectal malformations (ARM)

From: Anorectal malformations


Recto-perineal fistula


Recto-urethral-bulbar fistula


Recto-urethral-prostatic fistula


Recto-bladderneck fistula


Imperforated anus without fistula


Complex and unusual defects


Recto-perineal fistula


Recto-vestibular fistula


Cloaca with short common channel (< 3 cm)


Cloaca with long common channel (> 3 cm)


Imperforated anus without fistula

Complex and unusual defects

Cloacal extrophy, covered cloacal extra


Posterior cloaca


Associated to presacral mass


Rectal atresia