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Table 1 Diagnostic criteria for CHARGE syndrome

From: CHARGE syndrome

Features of CHARGE syndrome


Later childhood/adolescent issues*

Major 4C's **

Ocular coloboma

C oloboma -of iris, retina, choroid, disc; microphthalmia

Photophobia; retinal detachment Corneal abrasions

Choanal atresia/stenosis

C hoanal atresia (or Cleft palate) – unilateral/bilateral, membranous/bony, stenosis/atresia

Facial growth problems, recurrent closure and resurgeries, unilateral nasal discharge

Cranial nerve anomalies

C ranial nerve dysfunction – Olfactory tract anomalies – Facial palsy (unilateral or bilateral), Sensorineural deafness, Velopharyngeal incoordination – swallowing problems

Feeding/swallowing problems; gastroesophageal reflux; hiatus hernia

Characteristic ear anomalies

C haracteristic ear abnormalities – External ear (lop or cup shaped),, Middle ear (ossicular malformations, chronic serous otitis), mixed deafness, semicircular canal +/-cochlear defects

Progressive hearing loss; chronic middle ear infections; vestibular problems affecting balance and/or motor skills.


Cardiovascular malformations

Cardiovascular malformations – All types: especially conotruncal defects (e.g. Tetralogy of Fallot), AV canal defects, and aortic arch anomalies

Arrhythmias; angina; further cardiac surgeries

Genital hypoplasia

Genital hypoplasia – Males: micropenis, cryptorchidism; Females: hypoplastic labia, Both: Delayed incomplete pubertal development

Pubertal delay, hormone replacement; fertility (unsure); hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, osteoporosis

Cleft lip/palate

Orofacial cleft – Cleft lip and/or palate

Cosmetic concerns; self-image

Tracheoesophageal fistula

Tracheoesophageal fistula – Tracheoesophageal defects of all types

Reflux esophagitis; feeding/swallowing problems

Distinctive CHARGE facies

Characteristic face – sloping forehead, flattened tip of nose

Cosmetic concerns; self-image

Growth deficiency

Growth deficiencies – Short stature Borderline growth hormone (GH) stimulation tests

Growth hormone (GH) replacement Obesity

Developmental delay

Developmental delay – Delayed motor milestones, language delay, mental retardation

Educational, behavioural, social adjustment issues; Autistic-like problems; Obsessive compulsive disorders; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Renal anomalies

Duplex system, Vesicoureteric reflux

Renal failure

Spinal anomalies

Scoliosis; Osteoporosis


Hand anomalies

Fifth finger clinodactyly, camptodactyly and cutaneous syndactyly

Fine motor problems; cosmetic concern

Neck/shoulder anomalies

Sloping, Sprengel's deformity, kyphosis

Self-image concern

  1. * A premature aging phenomenom may exist in the older population, however, further research studies are required.
  2. ** Absent olfactory pathways and absent/abnormal semicircular canals are cardinal radiological findings for CHARGE syndrome.
  3. ***The occasional findings are more prevalent than originally predicted [8–9]